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Soeurs des Saints-Coeurs Damour

Maronite Archbishop's place of Beirut

Saints-Coeurs Damour Alumni

Archbishop visit======>
Ukrainian troop======>
Medical Day ======>

Iftar Dinner======>

Halloween Party ======>

Sunday March 12, a day of meeting and exchanges between generations, professors of the SSCC Damour and the religious sisters who left their marks in generations and generations.

The meeting begins with a reception word pronounced by Sister Daniela followed by the Doctor Souad Andraous speech and the mass celebrated by Mgr. Mansour Labaky.

Before passing to the brunch Mr. Chaker Abou Abdallah Alumni president of the committee f presented a resume of Alumni activities.

Damour future is between the hands of Damouriens children and the large majority of Damouriens are student of SSCC Damour. The SSCC Alumni can play a central role in Damour future.